
Steve Server


Hometown: Chicago, IL

Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University

Extracurricular activities at Pritzker: Dean's Council, Clinical Curriculum Review Committee, Psychiatry Interest Group, Remedy, Community Health Center,  and Pritzker Humanities and Medicine.

PhD Program: Committee on the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science; Department of History.

Research Interest: History of medical education in 20th century Mexico; advised by Bob Richards and Michael Rossi.

Why did you choose to attend Pritzker?

Many schools talk loftily about the importance of interdisciplinarity, and promptly do the same old siloed research. At the University of Chicago, however, interdisciplinary work happens literally every single day. But what makes Pritzker all the more unique is that the school pairs that rigorous interdisciplinary knowledge-making with a devotion to making that knowledge work for people. The school teaches that the best knowledge is knowledge that can help the most vulnerable among us, not sits moldering in the Ivory Tower. It gives of itself to its community, and teaches its students to think of patients as more than collections of organs but as people with rich histories, needs, and challenges not merely explained by physiology.

What is your favorite thing to do in Chicago or the best thing about living in Chicago?

Nothing like a watching the Bears win at Soldier Field on a sunny fall day, then heading for deep dish pizza.