Bowman Society
The Bowman Society Lecture Series commenced in 2005 through the generous support of Dr. James E. Bowman, Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Pathology and Medicine, and the Biological Sciences Division's first tenured African-American Professor. Dr. Bowman's legacy is one of excellence and distinguished service.
The Bowman Society seeks to honor Dr. Bowman's legacy by bringing the University community together to focus attention on scholarship that is important to the health care of minority communities and to provide support and career development to individuals at all levels of training in order to support multicultural diversity in the Biological Sciences Division.
Next Bowman Society Lecture: invited guest lecturer, Bryan A. Smith, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine (2017-2024)
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Upcoming Bowman Speaker – Thursday, April 3, 2025 5:00 pm Central Time
In-Person Lecture -
Bryan A. Smith, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, UChicago Medicine (2017-2024) -
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Previous Bowman Lecturers
Professional titles reflect position at the time of the event.
In July 2020, we began to record our webinar lectures. You may view by clicking the available links.
Pilar Ortega, MD, MGM, "Why Multilingualism is a Physician Superpower and How to Activate It", Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
Brandon Baird, MD, "Health Disparities in Laryngology and How We Might Address Them", Associate Professor of Surgery, Co-Director, Voice Center, UChicago Medicine
Monica E. Peek, MD, MH, MS, FACP, "Health Equity and Democracy: The Urgency of Now", Ellen H. Block Professor of Health Justice, General Internal Medicine, UChicago Medicine
Garth Walker, MD, MPH, "Centering Social Determinants of Health to Impact the Chicagoland Life Expectancy Gap through Innovative Healthcare Delivery Models and Strategic Partnerships, Chief Medical Officer, Rush Health and Digital Health Solutions
Amanda C. Patterson, MD, "Healing the American Sick-care System: A Primary Care Approach to Prevention and Wellness", Primary Care Physician, Forward Primary Care Clinic, Washington, DC
Cristina M. Gonzalez, MD, M.Ed, "Medical Education Research as a Vehicle for Contributing to Health Equity", Professor of Medicine and Population Health, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Dr. Abdullah Pratt, Assistant Professor and Emergency Medicine, UChicago Medicine - Medical Pipeline Programs: An Underutilized Solution to The Lack of Equitable Representation in Medicine
Thomas Fisher, MD, MPH, Emergency Medicine Physician, UChicago Medicine - "Optimism in the face of inequality",
Namratha Kandula, MD, MPH, "Investigating the Multilevel Determinants of Cardiovascular Health in South Asian Americans: The MASALA Study"
Shirlene Obuobi, MD, "Narrative Medicine and Identity," Cardiology Fellow, University of Chicago Medicine
Chelsea Dorsey, MD, "Workforce Diversity in Surgery: The Struggle to Be One to See One," Associate Professor of Surgery and Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, University of Chicago Medicine
Walter D. Conwell, MD, MBA, "The Role of Historically Black Medical Schools in Black Health and Wellness", Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development, Morehouse School of Medicine
Cynthia Delgado, MD, "The NKF-ASN Task Force Recommendations on Reassessing the Inclusion of Race in Diagnosing Kidney Disease, moving from recommendations to implementation," Associate Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco School of Medicine
Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH, "Toward Healing and Health Equity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders" Harvey T. Feinberg Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Kennedy School
Dowin Boatright, MD, MBA, MHS, "The State of Diversity in Medical Education", Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
Khalil Gibran Muhammad, "Double Jeopardy: The Trauma of Racialized Policing in a Sick Society", Professor, History, Race and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, "Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Bowman: How Authentic Community Engagement Challenges Structural Racism in Medicine, Healthcare and Public Health", Associate Professor of Family Healthcare Nursing Department, University of California, San Francisco
Harriet Washington, "Medical Apartheid Goes Viral: History, Ethics & the Coronavirus-19 Pandemic", Science writer, editor and ethicist and author. She has been Writing Fellow in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, the 2015-2016 Miriam Shearing Fellow at the University of Nevada's Black Mountain Institute, a Research Fellow in Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School, Visiting Fellow at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, a visiting scholar at DePaul University College of Law and a senior research scholar at the National Center for Bioethics at Tuskegee University.
Helena Hansen, MD, PhD, "Whiteout: How Racial Capital Changed the Color of Heroin in America", Chair Research Theme in Translational Social Science, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Lecturer, Yale University School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry, NYU Langone School of Medicine
Ayodeji Adegunsoye, MD, MS, FCCP, "Preserving our breath: Lung Fibrosis in African-American Communities", Assistant Professor of Medicine, Scientific Director, Interstitial Lung Disease Program, University of Chicago Medicine
Victoria Barbosa, MD, "Crowning Glory: Business, Politics, Health and Hair Loss in African American Women", Associate Professor of Medicine & Director of Hair Loss Program, University of Chicago Medicine
(At the presenter's request, this lecture is only available to view for University of Chicago members).
Dorothy Roberts, JD, University Professor of Law & Sociology and the Raymond Pace and Distinguished Professor of Civil Rights; Founding Director of the Penn Program on Race, Science & Society in the Center for Africana Studies
(At the presenter's request, this lecture is only available to view for University of Chicago members).
Nia Heard-Garris, MD, MSc, FAAP, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & Researcher at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, FAAP, Founder and Director of the Michigan State University and Hurley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative
(At the presenter's request, this lecture is only available to view for University of Chicago members).
Panel: Race and Renal Function (eGFR calculations)
- Milda Saunders, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
- Lesley Inker, MD, MS, FRCP, Associate Professor, Director, Kidney and Blood Pressure Center, Tufts Medical Center
- Nwamaka Eneanya, MD, MPH, FASN Assistant Professor, Director, Health Equity, Anti-racism & Community Engagement, University of Pennsylvania
- Neil Powe, MD, MPH, MBA, Distinguished Professor, Vice Chair Medicine, UC San Francisco
Brian Williams, MD, FACS, Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Chicago Medicine
Doriane Miller, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Director, Center for Community Health and Vitality, University of Chicago Medicine
Aryshiya Baig, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
Karen Kim, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
Monica Peek, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
William A. McDade, MD, PhD, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
John Paul Sanchez, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School
Edwin K. McDonald, IV, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Associate Director of Adult Clinical Nutrition
Valerie B. Jarrett, JD, Senior Advisor, Obama Foundation; Distinguished Senior Fellow, University of Chicago Law School
Selwyn O. Rogers, Jr., MD, MPH, Professor of Surgery; Chief, Section for Trauma and Acute Care Surgery; Founding Director, Trauma Center; Executive Vice President for Community Engagement
Juan C Caicedo-Ramirez, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery, Northwestern Medicine
Brenda Battle RN, BSN, MBA, Vice President, Urban Health Initiative & Chief Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Officer at University of Chicago Medicine
Marshall Chin, MD, MPH, Richard Parrillo Family Professor of Healthcare Ethics in Department of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine; Associate Chief and Director of Research, Section of General Internal Medicine; Director, Chicago Center for Diabetes Translation Research; Associate Director, MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics
James S. Williams, Jr., Director, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at University of Chicago Medicine
Tim King, JD, Founder, President, and CEO of Urban Prep Academies
Camara Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, President, American Public Health Association
Walter Conwell, MD, MBA, Assistant Medical Director Sleep Medicine, Colorado Permanente Medical Group, Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine at the University of Colorado, Denver
Clyde Yancy, MD, Vice Dean, Diversity and Inclusion, Magerstadt Professor of Medicine, Chief of Cardiology at Northwestern University Medicine
Olatoyosi Odenike, MD, MBBS, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
Damon Tweedy, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine
Arshiya Baig, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine
Bryan Smith, MD, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago Medicine
Kenneth S. Polonsky, MD, Dean of the Biological Sciences Division and the Pritzker School of Medicine and Executive Vice President of the University for Biology and Medicine
Olamide Jarrett, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Medicine
Funmi Olopade, MD, Director, Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics of the University of Chicago; 2005 MacArthur Fellowship Foundation
Rochelle Naylor, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Chicago Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine
Keith Naylor, MD, Clinical Instructor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine
Milda Saunders, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine
Monica Peek, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Associate Director, Chicago Center for Diabetes Translational Research
John Lumpkin, MD, MPH, Senior Vice-President and Director of Targeted Teams for the Robert Wood Johnson Health Care Group
Karen Kim, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine, Dean for Faculty Affairs for the Division of the Biological Sciences of the University of Chicago
Derek Robinson, MD, MBA, Executive Director of Institute for Innovations in Care and Quality at the Illinois Hospital Association
Daniel E. Dawes, JD, Executive Director of Health Policy and External Affairs, Morehouse School of Medicine
Regina Dixon-Reeves, PhD, Faculty Diversity/Development Specialist, University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences
Regina M. Benjamin, MD, MBA, United States Surgeon General
C. Sola Olopade, MD, MPH, Clinical Director for the Global Health Initiative and Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine
Keith C. Norris, MD, PhD, Executive Vice President for Research and Health Affairs, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science
Aida L. Maisonet Giachello, PhD, Department of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Medicine
Sonja Boone, MD, Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Medicine
Christopher Gomez, MD, PhD, Albina Y. Surbis Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, University of Chicago
William A. McDade, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Deputy Provost for Research and Minority Issues, University of Chicago
Ernest Mhoon, MD, Professor of Surgery, Section of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, University of Chicago
Herman A. Taylor, Jr., MD, Professor of Medicine at University of Mississippi Medical Center, Director/Principal Investigator of the Jackson Heart Study
Dawnavan Davis, PhD, Research Assistant Professor and Director of the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Program, University of Colorado
Doriane Miller, MD, Director of the Center for Community Health and Vitality, University of Chicago
Otis Brawley, MD, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President of the American Cancer Society
Cynthia Boyd, MD, Associate Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, Rush University Medical Center
Melissa Gilliam, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Chicago
Anita Blanchard, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Chicago
Julius Few, MD, Founder of the Few Institute for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Clinical Associate Professor, University of Chicago
Robert Higgins, MD, Professor and Chairman, Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center
Robert Winn, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine and Senior Medical Director at the University of Colorado Multidisciplinary Pulmonary Clinic
Waldo E. Johnson, Jr., PhD, Associate Professor at the School of Social Service Administration and Director of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, University of Chicago
David Wilkes, MD, Dr. Calvin H. English Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, and Immunology at the Indiana University School of Medicine
Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH, Director of the Institute for Ethics at the American Medical Association
Neil R. Powe, MD, MPH, MBA, Distinguished University Service Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University
Joe G.N. (Skip) Garcia, MD, Chairman of Medicine, The University of Chicago
John Ellis, MD, Vice President of the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Research Foundation; Adjunct Professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care, School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania
Ian Smith, MD '97, Medical Contributor to "The View", Host of Healthwise on American Urban Radio Networks
Raphael Lee, MD, ScD, DSc (Hon), Professor of Surgery, Section of Plastic Surgery, University of Chicago
Donald Hopkins, MD, MPH, Associate Executive Director, Health Programs, The Carter Center
Rick Kittles, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Section of Genetic Medicine, University of Chicago
Jeannette Newton-Keith, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago
Griffin Rodgers, MD, MACP, MBA, Deputy Director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Harold Freeman, MD, Founder and Medical Director of the Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention
Funmi Olopade, MD, FACP, Director, Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics of the University of Chicago; 2005 MacArthur Foundation Fellow