Student Life


(links accessible through U of C computers or WebApps)

To access the latest information on COVID, please visit the below website.


*Please note, this information is located on the hospital intranet, so you will need your credentials to login.


1) Wear a mask and socially distance wherever possible

2) Do not come in to school or to the hospital if you are feeling ill

1) Review the following information:  Employee Exposure, Quarantine and Return to Work Guidelines

2) If concerned, notify your supervisor and follow their instructions

3) Contact Dr. Woodruff for additional advice (773) 251-5231

1) Influenza-like-Illness (ILI) or respiratory symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat, body aches, diarrhea, runny nose, congestion, or loss of smell/taste

1) Notify your clerkship director or Dr. Woodruff  ( )

1) Reach out to Dr. Woodruff for advice or if confident about risk, reach out directly to the University of Chicago student disabilities Office for evaluation for possible accommodations (

2) In the interim, notify your Clerkship Director and/or Dr. Woodruff that you are in the process of being evaluated