Hospital parking is available in the University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) parking structure on Maryland Avenue, and is available to medical students who are on clinical rotations in the UCMC that require them to remain in the hospitals late into the evening, or overnight between 5:00PM and 6:00AM.
Students must complete and submit the U of C Hospitals Employee Garage Information Sheet to the parking office at 5840 S. Maryland Avenue.
- Visit the UCM Intranet home page or enter in the search bar.
- Hover the cursor over “Employee Center” near the top menu bar & select “Facilities, Safety, Security & Parking” from the drop-down list. You’ll be re-directed to another webpage to choose a facility
- Select “UCMC Facilities”. You’ll be re-directed to the next webpage.
- On the next webpage, scroll down to select the box titled “Parking & Maps”. You’ll be re-directed to the employee registration page.
- Select “Employee Parking Registration” and follow the prompts to complete your registration.
The monthly registration portal will ask for your UCM ID # (this is the 5- or 6-digit number at the back (at the bottom, very small) of your ID that starts with either an asterisk, plus or a minus sign)
- Use your student ID to gain entrance into garage
- Park on 5th and 6th floors only
- Enter the garage after 5pm and exit by 6am (failure to exit by 6am may result in a charge for overnight parking and loss of parking privilege).
Updated 2/25