The Global Health Track is a four-year, comprehensive curriculum in Global Health topics within the Scholarship & Discovery program. Given the broad nature of global health and recognizing that true competence in in this field requires more than clinical skill, this curriculum is designed to expose students to a diverse range of topics and disciplines to suit the student’s research and clinical interests. The Global Health Track combines didactic, seminar, clinical, research, mentoring, and international components with the goal of providing students with the skill-set to function most effectively in any global setting, working not only with individual patients, but with health systems and institutions as a whole, often within resource-limited settings. Being a practitioner of global health requires a diverse set of skills that expand upon basic medical education (cultural competency, clinical reasoning, ethics and professionalism), and the goal of the Global Health Track is to provide the education and opportunities that form the core of this skill set.
For Global Health Track students interested in applying for travel funding, please complete the S&D Intent to Travel form.
Meet the Track Leader

Dr. Callender is Assistant Professor of Medicine and a hospitalist physician with a special interest in education and clinical care in global health contexts. He is a member of the Steering Committee for the University of Chicago Center for Global Health and also teaches a popular Global Health elective for medical students. Dr. Callender was part of the University of Chicago team that traveled to Haiti in 2010 to provide medical care to victims of of the earthquake.