Throughout each quarter, we collect various accomplishments—from awards and appearances to publications and presentations and more—from Pritzker students to highlight and promote their outstanding work to the rest of the community.
Submit your own achievements for our next quarterly round up of student accomplishments through this page.
If you have an upcoming event, such as a media appearance or panel discussion, submit the information in advance so we might be able to help promote your participation in the event. You can also submit your peers' accomplishments, though we will seek their permission before publishing or promoting them.
Spring 2024 Student Accomplishments:
Isaiah Brown, MS4, presented his Scholarship & Discovery project “Delivery Room Interventions Beyond Intubation for Extremely Early Newborns: Ethical Considerations for Counseling” at the Pediatric Academic Societies in Toronto. He was mentored on the project by Dalia Feltman, MD, MA. Isaiah was also selected as a research fellow for the 2024 Chicago Gun Violence Research Collaborative (CGVRC) fellowship program and will participate in the Sinai Population Health Institute, which will teach fellows about the root causes of gun violence and initiatives to address these causes.
Julia Chavez, MS4, published a first-author paper in the American College of Surgeons Bulletin titled “‘Four Evils’ Plagued Surgery Practice in the 20th Century.” The paper was part of her 2022-2023ACS Surgical History Fellowship and can be read here.
Mohan Chennakesavalu, MS4, published a first-author paper in Cell Reports titled “Small-molecule inhibition of the METTL3/METTL14 complex suppresses neuroblastoma tumor growth and promotes differentiation.”
Claudia Covelli Velez, MS1, was accepted to present her project “Institutional Factors in Access to Care for Transition: The Role of Hospital Religion” at the National LGBTQ Health Conference in Atlanta in August. Claudia was mentored on the project by Debra Stulberg, MD
Zharia Crisp, MS2, published a paper in MedEdPortal titled “Core Competencies of an Anti-racist Physician: Elective Course for Undergraduate Medical Students.” The paper resulted from research started in her gap year with the National Anti-racism in Medicine Curriculum Coalition and J. Corey Williams, MD, MA, and it can be read here.
Daniel Johnson, MS4, was selected for the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics, an intensive, two-week study program in professional ethics and ethical leadership taking place in Germany and Poland this summer. Daniel also received a Sarnoff Fellowship and will be conducting health policy research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.
Gabby Keller, MS1, and Kiara Revels, MS1, were awarded the American Academy of Dermatology Good Skin Knowledge Grant to continue to provide dermatologic education in under resourced schools in conjunction with the South Side Science Scholars Program. They were mentored on the effort by Adena Rosenblatt, MD.
Marissa Korte, MS4, had a first-author paper accepted for publication in the Delirium Journal titled “Nurse-Driven 4AT Delirium Screen and Outcomes in Hospitalized Older Adults.” The project originated in Scholarship & Discovery, and Marissa was mentored by Laura Gleason, MD, MPH.
Wendy Luo, MS4, published a first-author paper in Hospital Pediatrics titled “COVID-19 and Intentional Toxic Pediatric Acetaminophen Ingestions: A Research Brief.” The project originated in the Pritzker Summer Research Program, and Wendy was mentored by Jason Kane, MD, MS. Read the paper here.
Diana Marino Nunez, MS4, was selected as a committee member of the UChicago Provost’s Sexual Misconduct Student Advisory Board, a group of students that meets quarterly in order to serve as a liaison between the Office of the Provost UChicago CARES (Center for Awareness, Resolution, Education, and Support) and undergraduate, graduate, and professional students regarding sexual misconduct.
Rimel Mwamba, MS4, received the International House Non-Resident Graduate Fellowship Award from UChicago Grad
Nihar Rama, MS2, had a paper accepted for publication in OTO Open titled “Trends in Procedural Management of Meniere's Disease: Analysis of a National Insurance Claims Database.” Nihar was also part of three projects presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, including a first author poster titled “Clinician-Facilitated Case-Based Discussions to Illustrate Healthcare System Barriers Augmented Health Policy Education for Pre-Clinical Medical Students.” He also presented a co-author oral presentation, “Role of Radiotherapy in Laryngeal Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: a National Cancer Database (NCDB) Analysis” (mentors: Christopher Roxbury, MD, and Brandon Baird, MD), and a first-author poster at the 2024 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings. An abstract of Nihar’s Pritzker Summer Research Program project, “Factors associated with delays in care of suspicious lung nodules at an academic medical center,” was published online as a supplement to the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting.
Alia Richardson, MS2, received the Student Research Award from the Academic Pediatric Association for her research “Psychosocial Predictors of Adolescent Depression and Mental Health Referral in a Mobile Medical Unit Program on Chicago’s South Side.” The project originated in the Pritzker Summer Research Program, and Alia was mentored by Anna Volerman, MD, and Icy Cade Bell, MD.
Shohan Shetty, MS1, published a paper in Neuropsychopharmacology titled “The selective D3Receptor antagonist VK4-116 reverses loss of insight caused by self-administration of cocaine in rats.” The project originated in his gap year, and the paper can be read here.
Abigail Sneider, MS4, published a paper in Lancet Oncology titled “Two Physician Certification in End-of-Life Decision-Making.” She was mentored on the project by Peter Angelos, MD, PhD.
Gabrielle Sudilovsky, MS1, received Second Place for Best Oral Presentation at the 2024 LMSA Midwest Conference, presenting research from her gap year in the Leukodystrophy Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with Adeline Vanderver, MD. Gabrielle also helped OUTPatient, Pritzker’s chapter of the Medical Student Pride Alliance, achieve registered student organization (RSO) status at the University of Chicago.
Yena Woo, MS1, published a paper in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer titled “Impact of immunotherapy time-of-day infusion on survival and immunologic correlates in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a multicenter cohort analysis.” The paper originated in undergraduate research at Emory University and can be read here.