
Faculty Development Workshops

Faculty Advancing in Medical Education (FAME) is a faculty development program sponsored by the Academy of Distinguished Medical Educators and the MERITS Program (Medical Education Research, Innovation, Teaching, and Scholarship). FAME supports faculty educators by providing resources and training in key conceptual and practical skills in teaching and assessment. Launched in 2011, FAME offers faculty development sessions each academic year.

  • Enhance faculty members’ knowledge of theory-based education and its practical application.
  • Enhance faculty skills in teaching and assessment.
  • Improve medical student and resident education.

By the end of the workshops, the faculty will be able to:

  • Establish a framework for practically applying workshop topics to their teaching venues.
  • Improve specific faculty teaching and/or evaluation skills.

Working with the Modern Learner 2.0: Learn effective strategies for direct observation in a clinical education.
June 12th (12-1 pm) H103 
Speaker(s): Isabel Malone, MD

Objective Structured Teaching Encounters (OSTEs): Have the unique opportunity to practice teaching with standardized students in an immersive setting.
April 7th & April 29th (12:30 -2:30 pm) Lower CPC Rooms
Speaker(s): H. Barrett Fromme, MD, MHPE