Student Life

Name: Aleah Booker

Year of Study: MS1

Why wellness is important to me: Prioritizing wellness keeps me grounded! Medical school can be all-consuming. However, doing activities that make me feel happy and healthy helps me maintain a sense of balance and serves as an anchor during challenging moments. I have found that I perform better and show up as my best self when I dedicate time to take care of my mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

Why I'm on the committee: During my last year of college and my gap years, I prioritized wellness and felt the positive impact it had on my performance both inside and outside of the classroom. I deeply value community and its role in wellness and wanted to be a part of fostering wellness in the Pritzker community. As a Wellness Representative, I hope to encourage a culture of wellness and well-being by hosting events that cultivate community amongst my class and providing my classmates with resources to lead balanced lives.

Fun Fact: I saw the very last episode of Scandal before it premiered!

Meet the rest of the Pritzker Wellness Committee!