The new University of Chicago Joint MD-MPH application is now open and available online. Once an application is started, applicants will first select “Masters” under degree program, then “Master of Public Health (MPH)” under proposed degree program. At that time, a question will appear asking if the applicant is currently enrolled in the Pritzker School of Medicine. Applicants to the MD-MPH program should select yes, and the application will adjust accordingly.
The deadline for the MD-MPH application is January 15, 2021. The application requirements for the joint degree include:
- One letter of recommendation from a current Pritzker faculty member
- Unofficial transcript from Pritzker. Transcripts from other post-secondary education are not required for the dual degree program
- Resume/CV
- Personal statement
- Signed letter of Good Standing from the Pritzker Dean of Students
We recommend that all prospective applicants meet with Dr. Woodruff prior to applying to the program.
Please see the Master of Public Health website for more information about the MPH degree.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Rebecca Plunkett in the Office of Master’s Education.