Recent MSTP Dissertations

By Specializations

Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics

Biophysical Sciences

Cancer Biology


MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
John Coukos Ray Moellering Defining the Reactivity Landscape of the Clycolytic By-Product Methylglyoxal To Study Cellular Function
Saara-Anne Azizi Bryan Dickinson The Development of Acrylamide-based Inhibitors of DHHC Family Proteins to Regulate ERK Acylation and Activity

Computational Neuroscience

Development, Regeneration & Stem Cell Biology

MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Rajiv Nadadur Ivan Moskowitz Defining Gene Regulatory Networks of Cardiac Rhythm

Ecology & Evolution

Human Genetics

Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology


MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Denis Cipurko Nicolas Chevrier Molecular Cartography of the Mouse In Toto Reveals Mechanisms of Systemic Inflammation
Emily Cullum Tatyana Golovkina  The Role of H2-O and Additional Novel Loci in Antigen Presentation and the Immune Response against Bacteria and Viruses in Mice
Tanner Martinez Megan McNerney Establishing CUX1 as a Determinant of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Heterogeneity
Arpit Panda Chuan He  Multi-omic Urine cfDNA Approaches for Detecting Molecular Residual Disease in Bladder Cancer and Single-Cell Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Metastasis
Donald Rodriguez Pete Savage Defining the Role of T Cell Receptor - Self-Peptide/MHC Class II Interactions in Directing CD4+ T Cell Fate, Function, and Pathogenic Potential
Kishan Sangani Bana Jabri TET2 Regulates Homeostatic Th2 Immunity in the Small Intestine
Sarah Sun Bana Jabri/Luis Barreiro Mechanisms of Innate Immune Memory in Basic and Clinical Models
Mayuri Viswanathan Erin Adams The T Cell Receptor Guides Development, Polarization, and Peripheral Function of γδ T Cells
Nathaniel Wright Marcus Clark BRWD1 Establishes Epigenetic States for Germinal Center Initiation, Maintenance, and Function
Rebecca Abraham Marcus Clark Interrogating Spatial Features of Renal Inflammation in Human Lupus Nephritis Using Computer Vision
Dustin Shaw Patrick Wilson/Bana Jabri A Unique Adaptive Inflammatory Signature Is Linked to Dysplasia in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Blake Flood Tom Gajewski Tumor Cell-Intrinsic Defects in Sting Pathway Signaling and Type I Interferon Expression
Kaitlin McLean Marcus Clark The Role of GAGA Motif Domains in Chromatin Remodeling of Igκ during B Cell Development
Dan Camacho Anne Sperling Antigen-Presenting Cells in Type 2 Lung Inflammatory Responses
Victoria Lee Pete Savage The Endogenous Repertoire Harbors Self-Reactive CD4+ T Cell Clones That Adopt a T Follicular Helper-like Phenotype at Steady State
Christine Miller Pete Savage Development and Function of Self-Specific Memory-Phenotype CD8+ T Cells
Melissa Tjota Anne Sperling Activation of Antigen Presenting Cells through FCRGamma Drives IL-33 Dependent TH2-Type Responses in the Lungs
Tony Tu Yang-Xin Fu CD160, An Essential Regulator of the Cytokine Response by Natural Killer Cells
Jennifer Jacobsen Barbara Kee EZH2 Regulates the Pre-antigen Receptor Checkpoint and B-2 Lineage Commitment
Ben Casterline Julie Wardenburg Early life acquisition and pathogenesis of maternally inherited Bacteroides fragilis
Jeff Bunker Albert Bendelac Specificity of homeostatic IgA
Phil Hsu Chuan He Roles of mRNA methylations in biology: processing and development

Integrative Neuroscience

MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Anya Bershad Harriet de Wit Effects of Opioids on Social and Emotional Processing in Humans


Molecular Engineering

MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Andrew Molina Tobin Sosnick/Benoit Roux Uncovering the Mechanism of Potassium Channel Folding and Assembly
Mathew Schnorenberg Matthew Tirrell/James LaBelle Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides Using Supramolecular Nanomaterials to Drug Intracellular Protein-Protein Interactions in Cancer

Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition

MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Mary Frith Eugene Chang Microbiota-Dependent Early Life Programming of Gastrointestinal Motility


Public Health Sciences

Public Policy

MSTP Trainee Faculty Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Maya Lozinsi (MeSH) David Meltzer/Zarek Brot-Goldberg Essays on the Economics of Scale and Complexity in Healthcare
Nina Gao David Meltzer What Gets Measured (Gets Done): Essays on Healthcare, Policy and Perils of the Subjective made Objective