Student Life

Student Organizations

Pritzker School of Medicine students run numerous Student Organizations, many of which are service-related. These organizations provide services which range from providing free health services to the homeless, educating school children about the dangers of drug abuse and delivering medical supplies to developing countries. 

A to Z Listing of all Student Organizations

Pritzker students also play an important role in shaping the direction and leadership of the school by participating in:

  • Dean's Council,
  • Curriculum Committees,
  • Serving as Fourth Year Leaders,
  • Co-Chair of the MS1 Orientation,
  • Representatives on the Admissions Committee, 
  • and more!

Student organizations are overseen by Dean's Council, the Pritzker School of Medicine's student government. Dean’s Council consists of three to four elected representatives from each class who meet monthly. The Council administers and distributes medical student funds to various student organizations. Elections for the Dean’s Council Representatives are held during the fall term of first year, at which time representatives are elected to a two-year position with the option of re-election during the third year.

  1. Fill out the Student Organization Registration Form. You will need a faculty sponsor willing to support the student group.
  2. Submit the registration form to Dean's Council
  3. Give a one time presentation describing your mission and goals to the Dean’s Council at one of the monthly meetings.
  4. Upon notification of approval by the Dean’s Council, the newly registered student group may apply for funding from the council (see instructions below).
  5. Once approved, students are required to complete a transition packet, located in the Dean's Council folder in BOX. This packet is to help with leadership transition each year.
  6. Review the Student Organization Handbook for guidelines on how to organization student events and funding.

Each registered Pritzker School of Medicine (PSOM) Student Organization has annual funding allocated through the Dean's Council, to support the org's activities. To access these funds, the student orgs must apply via the Dean's Council Funding Request Form

For students seeking reimbursement for approved Dean's Council spending, please visit our Student Reimbursement Process & Timeline webpage for more information. 


  • Center for Leadership and Involvement (Recognized Student Organization) (RSO)
    Pritzker School of Medicine student organizations are encouraged to register both with the Dean’s Council and with the Center for Leadership Involvement.  The RSO office administers and distributes funds to all University of Chicago registered student organizations. Dean’s Council administers and distributes funds to Pritzker School of Medicine organizations only.
  • As a Recognized Student Organization (RSO), you receive a University of Chicago financial account and are afforded the benefit of the University’s tax-exempt status. Your account is hosted by the University and administered by the Center for Leadership and Involvement.
  • Student Government Finance Committee
    Registered Student Organizations may apply for funding through the Student Government Finance Committee. The Student Government Finance Committee disburses the largest segment of the Student Activities Fee for RSO use. The committee meets weekly to review RSO funding requests, and you can request funds from this committee for an event or even a capital improvement.

Service-learning opportunities at the Pritzker School of Medicine are done in tandem with the University's larger Urban Health Initiative.