
Across the Continuum of Education (ACE)

at UChicago Medicine

The University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division is unique in that it encompasses the continuum of medical education, which includes all phases of medical training under one leadership model. In order to become a physician in the United States, an individual graduates from medical school (undergraduate medical education), followed by a period of residency or fellowship training (graduate medical education), and then continues their education as a practicing physician (continuing medical education). At an academic health center, this includes ongoing faculty development for medical educators to improve their teaching skills and advance scholarship in medical education as well as simulation programming that helps support ongoing professional development at all points across the continuum as well as promote interprofessional learning and team training.

At the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division, ACE (Across the Continuum of Education) not only helps leverage core resources to improve training but also supports innovations across the continuum to advance health professions education.

Quarterly ACE newsletters