Student Life

Pritzker Student Support and Wellness


The Pritzker Wellness Program strives to equip students with life-long skills to enhance their health and well-being by creating a culture that promotes reflection, compassion and the pursuit of joy on their path to personal and professional growth. 


The Pritzker School of Medicine embraces wellness as a core value and is committed to helping students thrive in medical school through tailored programming to enhance physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being.  


PSOM has a wealth of resources dedicated to Student Support and Wellness throughout their medical school experiences. For ease of navigating, see the two sections below that outline the Pritzker School of Medicine Support and Resources section, followed by the University of Chicago Student Support and Resources Section.

Featured Faculty

These four faculty are all outstanding resources for our medical students. They are part of the network of support provided by the many faculty deans and career advisors at the Pritzker School of Medicine who all serve as informed and effective advocates for students,  In order: James Woodruff, MD and Wei Wei Lee, MD, MPH for the Office of Student Affairs and Programs. Dayle Davenport, MD for the Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and InclusionChelsea Dorsey, MD assists with academic support and advising.


Social: Maintaining a Healthy Life

Psychological: Maintaining a Healthy Mind

Biological: Maintaining a Healthy Body

24-Hour Resources for Students:

  • Dr. Woodruff and Dr. Lee are available to assist with any urgent concerns.
  • City of Chicago Police: 911
  • University of Chicago Police Department: 773.702.8181 or 123 from any campus phone
  • University of Chicago Medicine Emergency Room: 773.702.6250 Address: 901 East 58th Street Chicago, IL 60637

Medical Care
Nurse Advice Line (Available 24/7): 773.834.9355

Counseling and Psychiatry
Therapist-on-Call (24/7): 773.702.3625
Dean-on-Call: The Dean-on-Call is a University administrator who can be reached 24/7 by calling 773.834.HELP (4357) and following the prompts. Students may contact the Dean-on-Call any time there is an emergency to get advice and support in managing a situation. Learn more here.

Confidential Resources for Students

For more information see Get Help Now page.

Student Disability Services 

Provides resources, support, and accommodations to students with long term and short term disabilities and ensures that all aspects of student life are accessible and inclusive.

5501 South Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60637

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m

Phone: (773) 702-6000


Advice about academic concerns:
Type of concern:

  • Managing coursework
  • Time Management
  • Failing an exam
  • Difficult team interactions
  • Difficult interpersonal interactions
  • Taking a Year Off

Peer Mentors at Pritzker

Fourth year students who provide mentorship on navigating the curriculum to junior students. Email them with any questions: Reem HamodaWilla LiAkosua OppongRachel Pacyna.

Chelsea Dorsey, Associate Dean for Medical Student Academic Advising and Advancement
Dr. Dorsey is available to help with the academic side of your life at Pritzker. Reach out to her for guidance, assistance, or direction in navigating academic concerns.

Academic Skills Assessment Program: ASAP is a resource run by Student Counseling Services that assists with time management, learning and memory, test anxiety, reading effectiveness, effective exam preparation and general study skills

  • Call 773-702-9800 for appointments
  • Email Tab Shamsi with questions

Resources compiled by students, for students!

Section 1: Pritzker School of Medicine (PSOM)

Student Support and Resources

Office of Student Affairs & Programs

The Office of Student Affairs and Programs (SAP) is dedicated to supporting the personal and professional development of all students at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine by providing programs and services geared toward the development of happy and well-balanced physicians-in-training who will become competent, caring, and compassionate physicians.

SAP works in concert with many other Pritzker programs, e.g. the Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, as well as faculty who oversee specific programs in global health and community service learning.

Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion works with all offices at Pritzker to create an inclusive learning environment to support students in their professional growth, scholarly pursuits, and community-engaged activities.

Pritzker Career Advising

The Pritzker School of Medicine incorporates career advising and professional development into all aspects of students' medical education. Chelsea Dorsey, MD, also assists with academic support and advising.

All students are assigned to one of eight Career Advisors through their membership in one of the four Pritzker Societies: Coggeshall Society, Huggins Society, Lewis Society, and Rowley Society. The four Pritzker Societies are named for key figures who made seminal contributions to research, clinical care, and education at the University of Chicago.

Learn more about the resources here.


(Pictured: Top Left -Shellie Williams, MD. Top Right - Steven Zangan, MD, bottom group - Pritzker Chiefs)

Faculty Ombudspersons:  Serve as student advocates and facilitators within the University of Chicago Medical Center when issues occur. The Ombudspersons are chosen because they are neutral, third party physicians who are not otherwise involved with the academic promotion or evaluation of Pritzker students. 

Peer Ombudspersons: In addition to the faculty Ombudspersons, the Pritzker Chiefs also each act as Peer Ombudspersons. The Pritzker Chiefs will work with students to explore options, offer perspective, suggest resources and, if warranted, reach out to faculty deans for guidance.

Dean's Council

The Dean’s Council (DC) is the student government body for the Pritzker School of Medicine, comprised of elected student representatives, faculty, staff, and the Dean. The council meets monthly to discuss issues concerning the students, promote community building, and distribute funds from the Student Life Fee - including student org spending, class parties, and annual school-wide events.

Visit the Dean's Council Website for Student Engagement and Support information (includes Student Organizations, Accessing Class Funds, Society funding, Pritzker Sib Voucher Program, and more!). 

Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee is here for YOU to:

  • Design programming to celebrate, build and learn longitudinal skills for maintaining wellness throughout the medical school journey
  • Promote mental health and wellness initiatives amongst Pritzker students
  • Create opportunities for social connection within each class and amongst all members of the Pritzker community. 
  • Advocate for students when they feel that their mental health and wellness needs are not being met to the best of Pritzker’s ability. 
  • Be here as a resource and a listening ear when you are struggling!

Section 2: University of Chicago | UChicago Student Wellness

Student Support and Resources

Medical Services

UChicago Student Wellness offers primary and acute health care needs and routine medical services. Care provided by the SHS is confidential. You will not be treated by fellow medical students, residents, or faculty who would also supervise your clinical performance. Students with concerns about seeking care (medical or mental health) at the University of Chicago will be assisted with outside referrals.

Learn more about UChicago Student Wellness medical services.

Mental Health Services

The University of Chicago Student Wellness Staff have robust resources for mental health counseling (short-term), discrimination and sexual misconduct, bias response, and safety and security as illustrated in the Get Help website

Learn more about UChicago Student Wellness counseling and psychiatry services.

Health Promotion & University Wellness Activities

UChicago Student Wellness is committed to enhance the environment and the community at the University of Chicago to promote lifelong behaviors and to empower individuals to improve their quality of life and reach their highest potential.

Learn more about UChicago Student Wellness - wellness programming.

Student Insurance

The University requires all students to carry health insurance. On an annual basis, all students are enrolled in the University Student Health Insurance Plan (U-SHIP), administered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources - unless they waive coverage by providing proof of alternate comparable coverage. If you are enrolled in U-SHIP, staff are able to answer questions about USHIP coverage (email:

Learn more about U-SHIP.


The list of immunizations that students must comply with are based on their program of study and will be included in their list of action items in the “Medical Clearances” section of the my.WellnessPortal (applicable to most students in programs/research that convene in person). Failure to submit proof of immunization or vaccination will result in class registration penalties and reduced access to campus facilities (library, athletics, etc.) by the University Registrar. 

Needlestick Procedures

The Pritzker School of Medicine and The University of Chicago Office of Environmental Health and Safety dictate that all medical students shall practice universal precautions to eliminate or minimize exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Read the full Needlestick Injuries and Other Blood-borne and/or Body Fluid Pathogen Control Policy here.